Champions League
Messi: Champions League? We have to forget what happened last year
The Champions League is the target of Messi and Barcelona.
For two years, Barcelona have been close, very close to the Champions League, but in the end, initially eliminated by Rome, then by Liverpool, with unimaginable upside.
Be that as it may, Lionel Messi and his team-mates will again try to win the Cup by ear, having last been kidnapped in 2015.
He has said they must forget those stunning 4-1 and 3-0 draws of Rome and Liverpool.
“We have to start from the beginning, because it is a new year, a new campaign. We need to learn from mistakes, but also to think about the present and the future. We have to forget what happened last year and the previous one, it would be wrong if we think about eliminating them ”, said Lionel Messi.